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Arribas Wine Company

Arribas Wine Company

Arribas Wine Company project began to take shape in 2017, when its founders Frederico Machado and Ricardo Alves decided to embark on a journey that reflects their own philosophy and winemaking style. The duo had plenty of experience in the wine trade but wanted to make an impact, with a unique characteristic of wines. Their quest took them to Mogadouro in Tras-os-Montes, a place close to one of the founders' hearts, as it was their grandparents' birthplace. They found vineyards that were about a hundred years old, some were deserted and ready for renovation, which led them envisioning themselves here, and thinking that it is the perfect place for them to start off. They aim to produce authentic wines with regional varieties and traditional techniques which leads them to farm their vineyards as sustainable as possible. Arribas is a project that is not only about making great wines but also helping the community and we love that about them. They mentor and assist the people who want to make wine within the area and volunteer their time to help out. Their most noteworthy initiative is called the PROJECT BELFO. The word ‘Belfo’ is a slang for someone that speaks with their mouth full, which is a feeling they aim to provoke each year. With this initiative, they aim to promote and aid the local foundations and associations to increase the region’s to enhance the awareness of the local community. Arribas may not be a big producer just yet, they produce only around 30.000 bottles yearly but they still give out a share of their profits to these foundations to use for the good of the community. On top of the given share of the profit, they also contribute in educating the community about farming responsibly to keep the biodiversity of the region intact. Currently, they are working with local foundations to keep the bees safe by avoiding excessive usage of chemicals in the region when farming. Truth be told, they won our hearts! 

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6 products

Arribas Wine Company - Saroto Tinto
Arribas Wine Company - 2021 - Belfo Bees
Arribas Wine Company - 2020 - Manicómio tinto
Arribas Wine Company - Saroto Rosé
Arribas Wine Company - Quilómetro
Arribas Wine Company - 2021 - Saroto NatCool 1L